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Our Solution

Making Every Drop Count

FIZE®’s bladder management platform revolutionizes the care of patients with indwelling Foley catheters, improving outcomes while decreasing cost and nursing utilization.

FIZE® Medical has developed and deployed its initial groundbreaking device, the FIZE kUO®, throughout the leading hospitals in Israel.  The FIZE kUO®, decreases the workload of nursing and nursing aide staff, freeing them from hourly measurement and hand recording of the urine output, as well as decreasing the time spent in the patients’ rooms to perform this task, a key goal of hospital-wide COVID prevention protocols, and sends automatic alerts to doctors and residents when the catheter is clogged or when the urine output falls below certain trigger levels.  These features allow the hospital management team to provide unprecedented patient safety, decreased utilization of nursing hours per patient, and provides doctors with real time urine output information, an important vital sign that has never been available to them before, and that is likely to lead to improved early detection and treatment of important clinical outcomes, including Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), sepsis and other key events that require early detection in order to achieve the best outcomes for patients.

Current Solution

Currently, urine output is typically collected by Foley catheter drainage into a plastic or glass urinometer and manually entering the values into the health record. Urine output is only measured retrospectively, rather than in real time, where it can be used proactively to more effectively manage the patient.

FIZE® Solution

FIZE® Medical is developing a state-of-the-art platform of assays to measure key indicators of the health status of patients found in their urine, in real time, delivered through FIZE®’s groundbreaking device, conquering real time urine output and analysis as the last key vital sign monitored in real time in patients.